Airport Taxis Nottingham

How early to get to airport

If you don’t want to miss your flight, arrive at the airport two hours before your departure time. However, the airport arrival time for international flights will be 3 hours because it requires extra document verification. Multiple factors affect the airport arrival time e.g. distance of the airport from your home, the number of passengers, etc. 

It is better to add an extra hour to the airport arrival time because of the external factors. One of them is traffic on the airport route. Another factor is the bad weather because you may be late because of the harsh weather conditions. So it is advisable to check the traffic and weather conditions before leaving for the airport. 

In this article, you will learn the time-saving tips to arrive early at the airport!

Recommended arrival time for Domestic & International flights

Most of the people are afraid of missing their flight. If you are one of them, you should download your airline’s app. It will provide you with all the flight updates.  

Let’s discuss the airport arrival timings for domestic & international flights; so you can get a clear idea about when to arrive. 

Domestic Flights

For domestic flights, you should arrive at the airport two hours before the departure time. However, the recommended arrival time for domestic flights may vary depending on the circumstances. As you know, domestic flights have shorter lines for check-in as compared to international flights, so you don’t need to arrive too early.

Generally, you need 2 hours in which 20 to 30 minutes are required to queue for bag drop or check-in, 30 minutes are needed to get through security checks, and 10 to 20 minutes for arriving at your gate. At the end, you will have 30 minutes left for sitting at the gate and ready to board. So arriving 2 hours before your domestic flight provides you with a smooth traveling experience.

International Flights

For international flights, arrive at the airport 3 hours before the departure time. You have to arrive early because of multiple reasons. You have to face overcrowding at the check-in and baggage drop desks, security and restrooms as well. Because of the high number of passengers on international flights, the planes take more time to board. 

Recommended arrival time in summers and winters

The time of the year in which you are traveling affects your arrival time at the airport. People travel a lot in the summer season because of the summer holidays. So you should arrive early at the airport in the summer season as you have to face overcrowding at the airport.

On the other hand, in winter there are shorter queues at check-in counters.

Recommended arrival time for a large group

If you are traveling with a large group or going on a vacation with children, arrive early at the airport. 

When you are traveling alone, you need less time for pre-flight procedures. On the other hand, traveling with a family or children needs extra time for check-in counters. 

Factors that affect the airport arrival time

Airport arrival time is affected by multiple factors. You have to consider multiple things to set your arrival time. Let’s discuss some points that should be kept in mind while traveling.

Online Check-in

If you are already checking in online and carrying hand luggage, it can save you time at the airport. In most cases, you can go straight to the security. So online check-in is time-saving and reduces your arrival time at the airport. 

Check the airport guidelines

It is recommended to follow your airline guidelines for arrival time. In general, you have to arrive two hours before your flight. However, sometimes your airline asks you to arrive early or later. Always contact your airline for the arrival time confirmation. 

Time of the year

Traveling time has a huge impact on the arrival time at the airport. Consider the time of the year and the day before starting your journey. If you are traveling during the peak season e.g. summer holidays, you have to arrive early at the airport. Also, during Christmas days airports are quite busy.

Check the traffic 

If you have a flight during peak traffic hours, you should leave your house early for the airport. Also, check out the traffic on your route so you can arrive on time. Calculate the time required to reach the airport, plus add an extra hour in case of heavy traffic. 

Traveling with group

If you are traveling with several people or with your family, it affects your airport arrival time. You have to carry the luggage of your family, looking for their passports or boarding passes. Traveling with your family requires more time, especially if the airport is busy.


Distance of the airport from your residence significantly affects the arrival time. If the airport is close to your home, you will need less time to reach the airport because there will be less risk of traffic. Likewise, leave early if the airport is far from you. 

International traveling

If you are traveling internationally, you need some extra time for document verification. This is why airlines recommend you to add an extra hour to your arrival time.

Plan for airport shopping

If you want to do airport shopping, add some extra time to your arrival time. If you are running late for your flight, you should skip it. 

Precautions to save time at the airport

If you are a traveling enthusiast, you need to save these tips for your next trip. These tips and tricks make your travel memorable. 

Check your departure time 

Make sure to check your flight details before going to the airport. Have a look at your check-in, boarding and departure time before leaving your house for the airport. 

Check-in online

Get your boarding pass in print or download form by check-in online. So you can go straight towards security, in case you don’t have any bags to check.

Download the airline app

The airline app provides you with flight updates, booking details and much more. You should download the app of your airline to save your time.

Luggage Specifications

Check out your airline’s luggage specifications before leaving for the airport. Your luggage size should be according to the airline guidelines.

Following all the criteria, you can save time. Also, don’t take any prohibited products to avoid additional security checks. 

Call the airport

If you don’t have an internet connection and are not sure about your arrival timing, you should call the airport.

Things to do at the airport

Arriving early at the airport comes with multiple advantages. You can relax and entertain yourself before a long flight. Here is a list of “things to do at the airport”, let’s have a look at them.

  • You can do duty-free shopping at the airport and buy a lot of snacks. 
  • Visit a luxury boutique and get your hands on the best accessories. 
  • You can use social media and upload your airport selfies. 
  • Make a playlist of your favorite songs that will make your trip memorable. 
  • You can get a massage before a hectic flight. 
  • Enjoy a delicious meal for a perfect start to your trip.

Make a list of “things to do at the airport” before your flight. In this way, you can effectively utilize your time. It will provide you with long-lasting memories.


When to arrive at the airport if you have kids or pets for traveling?

If you are traveling with kids and pets, it is a better idea to arrive early at the airport. Sometimes your kids want snacks, so add extra time to your airport arrival time.

Is it alright to reach the airport one hour before the flight?

An hour may be enough for domestic flights. But you need to arrive early for an international flight. As a general rule, you should arrive 2 hours before a flight; whether it’s a domestic or international flight.

When should I check in for my flight?

Airlines allow you to check in 24 hours before your flight. You should have all the required documents for the international flight. Online check-in allows you to go straight to the security checks.

Are snacks allowed on a plane?

Only solid food items are allowed on the plane (not gels or liquids). You can bring them either in your carry-on or checked baggage. Always check out your airline’s guidelines before leaving for the airport. It will prevent you from any inconvenience.


Many passengers get frustrated by the early arrival timing of the airport. But you can minimize it by check-in online. The recommended time is to arrive two to three hours before the departure time. 

No one wants to arrive early at the airport. But you can make this time memorable by enjoying your favorite meals and shopping for some snacks. Consider the above-mentioned tips that save you time and provide you with an unforgettable travel experience. 

Hopefully, after reading the guide you will have a safe and peaceful flight!

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